When it comes to managing chronic kidney disease, one of the most important things to keep in mind is your protein intake. According to the KDOQI guidelines, people with CKD may need to consume a lower protein diet. But let’s be real, sticking to a strict low protein diet can get boring pretty fast. So you’re probably asking yourself, how can we make our meals more exciting while still staying within the recommended guidelines?

  1. Get creative with your protein sources! Instead of relying on traditional sources like chicken and fish, maybe try to experiment with different types of protein. Some examples of great plant based protein options are tofu, tempeh, lentils and seitan. Don’t be afraid to try out different types of meat such as turkey or bison.

  2. Add flavor! Just because you’re watching your protein intake doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice taste. Your flavor combinations are endless! Try marinating your protein in a flavorful sauce or rub before cooking. And don’t be afraid to use herbs and spices like garlic or onion to add some zing to your meals.

  3. Mix it up! Instead of sticking to the same protein sources every day, try rotating between your favorite different types. So on Monday try tofu, Tuesday could be chicken, Wednesday could be chickpeas and so on. This not only keeps things interesting, but it also ensures that you’re getting a variety of essential nutrients.

  4. Make it fun! Get creative in the kitchen and try making fun protein-packed dishes like protein pancakes, protein ice cream or protein bars. You can find a lot of recipes online and adapt them to your taste and needs. Check out our recipes here.

Remember, managing chronic kidney disease is all about balance. By following the KDOQI guidelines and being creative with your protein choices, you can enjoy delicious, nutritious meals that will keep you feeling your best.

Please note that this is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Before making any changes to your diet, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have chronic kidney disease. At Podob Nutrition we can help you create a personalized dietary plan that meets your specific needs. To book any appointment contact us here.